RTP NSBE includes eight (8) committees that support the various functions of the organization. The committees are identified below with a summary of their roles and responsibilities. Click on any of the committees listed to learn more about that committee. If you are an RTP NSBE member and you are interested in joining or supporting any of these committees, please complete the form here.

Membership Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter Vice President.

  • Establish and maintain a listing all of the various chapter status and problems incurred in establishing a charter.

  • Maintain the RTP NSBE membership roster and provide monthly membership reports to the RTP Executive Board.

  • Work with the National/Regional Membership Chairperson to maintain database of NSBE graduating student members (graduating seniors) for potential membership.

  • Manage all chapter programming and events associated with RTP NSBE graduating seniors’ retention efforts.

  • Work with RTP Executive Board on yearly membership recruitment and retention strategies.

  • Identify and nominate members for monthly and/or yearly recognition.

  • Coordinate with the other committees to support the ongoing needs of the chapter.

Finance Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter Treasurer.

  • Identify and develop national and local funding sources.

  • Identify mechanisms for fundraising.

  • Maintain all account records (withdrawals and deposits) of Chapter funds.

  • Develop and submit monthly reports to the RTP Executive Board.

  • Maintain all account records (withdrawals and deposits) of Chapter funds.

  • Collect and manage all moneys received from from fundraising, social, or other applicable activities of the chapter.

  • Support the RTP Executive Board during an audit of the financial records of the chapter.

Public Relations Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter Secretary.

  • Prepare press releases for advertising RTP NSBE activities.

  • Distributes promotional materials and other updates throughout social media channels.

  • Develop promotional materials and distribute on behalf of the Chapter.

  • Develop and nurture working relationships between RTP NSBE and other organizations of mutual interest.

  • Work with the RTP Executive Board on advertising and marketing strategies of interest to RTP NSBE committees, programs or events.

  • Review RTP NSBE materials, as needed, including program booklets, publications, presentations, speeches, and other mass media content, to ensure the proper use of the NSBE logo and other editorial concerns.

  • Identify new mass media and associated networks opportunities to enhance the RTP NSBE brand.

  • Collect and maintain documentation of RTP NSBE history.

  • Assist the RTP Executive Board with preparing the RTP NSBE Annual Report.

Telecommunications Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter Secretary.

  • Work with the Secretary to develop communication strategies and ensure that policies and procedures are followed.

  • Develop and maintain the design and layout of the RTP NSBE website.

  • Work with Vice President to create and maintain all official chapter RTP NSBE email accounts.

  • Work with Vice President to manage all web hosting and domain name renewals for the RTP NSBE.

  • Coordinate with the other Communications Zone members to ensure that RTP NSBE communications are effectively using the chapter website.

  • Coordinate RTP NSBE webcasting and other teleconferencing

Professional Development Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter President

  • Develop, implement and manage leadership, management, business training, and certification programs for RTP NSBE members.

  • Initiate, and support local, regional, and national programs to enhance the professional success of RTP NSBE.

  • Work with the Programs Chair to develop programs to prepare RTP NSBE members for professional success in their careers.

  • Manage, develop, and promote technical excellence programs and training to increase the technical integrity of RTP NSBE.

  • Encourage RTP NSBE members to join and participate in Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

  • Develop and promote mutual alliances with other technical organizations.

  • Promote the overall technical activity and expertise of the RTP NSBE.

Pre-College Initiative (PCI) Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter President.

  • Represent RTP NSBE as a member of the Regional PCI committee.

  • Work with the Regional Pre-College Initiative Chair to coordinate the establishment of the NSBE Jr. Chapters.

  • Coordinate and execute PCI programs sponsored by the NSBE Professionals.

  • Identify additional methods by which RTP NSBE can benefit the NSBE Jr. membership and shall recommend chapter programs to accomplish this goal.

  • Assist with the execution of National/Regional PCI programs, as requested.

College Initiative (CI) Committee

  • Committee reports to the Chapter President.

  • Shall represent RTP NSBE as a member of the Regional CI committee.

  • Work with the Programs Chair to develop and implement programs of academic benefit to community college, undergraduate, and graduate NSBE members.

  • Develop, initiate, and promote activities to increase the interaction between Professional members and collegiate members in the local area of the Society.

  • Develop programs to mentor NSBE Members on internship or co-op rotations at institutions with a Professional member presence.

  • Work with Membership Chair on NSBE graduating seniors’ retention efforts.

Technical OutReach Community Help (TORCH) Committee

  • Committee reports to Chapter President.

  • Coordinate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) community training opportunities aimed at both youth and young adults.

  • Work with the PCI Chair to develop casual outreach activities targeted at youth to enhance STEM awareness

  • Coordinate all efforts for the A Walk for Education (AWFE) within the local community or seek opportunities to collaborate with other local NSBE chapters.

  • Create opportunities to provide technical expertise services to the local community.

  • Coordinate with all other traditional community service efforts.

  • Work with the Membership Chair to ensure monthly Chapter TORCH tracking efforts are documented.