
Who is a NSBE Professional?

NSBE Professional Membership is open to any individual who has received a degree in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) discipline. Graduate students have the option to be NSBE Professional members OR Collegiate members. If you are a professional, but did not receive a degree in any of the STEM fields, you are still eligible for membership as an NSBE Professional Affiliate member

Joining NSBE or Renewing Your Membership is EASY as 1-2-3!

Just Follow The Steps Below. Contact if you have any questions. 

The NSBE Research Triangle Professionals Membership Fee is now $74.00 (yearly). This fee includes National and Local membership ($50 National, $24 Local). In order to be a local member both National and Local dues need to be paid.

Membership period is August 1 through July 31 of the following year.

2. Review NSBE-RTP Membership Benefits (See Below)
